Can Dental Problems Be Linked to Vitamin Deficiencies?
added on: January 29, 2019
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We are well into winter, and that typically means we spend less time soaking up the sun, and in turn, our bodies get less vitamin D. While there’s a well-known link between overall health and even happiness and vitamin D, it may surprise you learn that there’s also a strong… Read More…

Stress & Oral Health
added on: January 11, 2019
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Even though the craziness of the holidays is behind us, it doesn’t necessarily mean our stress levels have decreased. Everyday life can certainly cause anxiety and contribute to more stress. As many people know, stress can impact our health and overall well-being, but did you know stress can also contribute… Read More…

5 Dental Myths That You Shouldn’t Believe
added on: December 26, 2018
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There are plenty of places to get oral health advice — our dental office in Highland Park, friends or family members, and perhaps even the internet. But not all dental advice is created equal. In fact, there are several tips that we’ve heard that are just not true, some of… Read More…

What is a Canker Sore?
added on: December 12, 2018
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While inconvenient and sometimes a little painful, canker sores are more annoying than they are concerning. But when canker sores pop up you may wonder what these ulcer-type spots actually are, what caused them in the first place, and how to treat them quickly and effectively. At our Highland Park… Read More…

GERD & Dental Problems
added on: November 27, 2018
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Gastroesophageal reflux disease, also known as its more common and easier to pronounce acronym GERD, is an uncomfortable problem associated with digestion. But while the issue originates in the gut it can have a negative on oral health. If you suffer from GERD, our Highland Park dental office has some… Read More…

Diabetes Awareness Month
added on: November 12, 2018
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November is recognized as National Diabetes Awareness Month and serves to raise awareness of diabetes, other health problems associated with the disease, and the importance of regulation. In fact, one of the little-known facts about diabetes is that it directly relates to oral health. Our dental office in Highland Park… Read More…

These Treats Are Worse for Teeth Than Candy
added on: October 24, 2018
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When it comes to candy-filled holidays like Halloween, we usually caution our patients to enjoy sweet snacks and candy in moderation. And with good reason. It should come as no surprise that sugar is one of those things that concerns the team at our dental office in Highland Park. After… Read More…

Is Chewing Gum Good for Teeth?
added on: October 11, 2018
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Gum may be your go-to fix to temporarily get rid of bad breath. Or maybe you just like to chew gum and there’s always a pack nearby. But is this sweet treat good for your teeth and overall oral health? Our dental office in Highland Park has the answer. Gum… Read More…

How to Stop a Toothache
added on: September 28, 2018
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Nobody ever wants to experience the pain and discomfort of a toothache. But the truth is, toothaches can happen to anyone, and they can come without warning. While the best way to treat a toothache is to see your dentist in Highland Park as quickly as you can, there are… Read More…

Are Gum Disease and Gingivitis the Same Thing?
added on: September 19, 2018
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At our dental office in Highland Park we’re often asked if gum disease and gingivitis are the same thing. It’s a common misconception regarding a serious disease that can have serious consequences if left untreated, and we’d like to clarify the difference. Defining Gum Disease Gum disease at its core… Read More…

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