Diabetes Awareness Month
added on: November 12, 2018
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November is recognized as National Diabetes Awareness Month and serves to raise awareness of diabetes, other health problems associated with the disease, and the importance of regulation. In fact, one of the little-known facts about diabetes is that it directly relates to oral health. Our dental office in Highland Park… Read More…

These Treats Are Worse for Teeth Than Candy
added on: October 24, 2018
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When it comes to candy-filled holidays like Halloween, we usually caution our patients to enjoy sweet snacks and candy in moderation. And with good reason. It should come as no surprise that sugar is one of those things that concerns the team at our dental office in Highland Park. After… Read More…

Is Chewing Gum Good for Teeth?
added on: October 11, 2018
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Gum may be your go-to fix to temporarily get rid of bad breath. Or maybe you just like to chew gum and there’s always a pack nearby. But is this sweet treat good for your teeth and overall oral health? Our dental office in Highland Park has the answer. Gum… Read More…

How to Stop a Toothache
added on: September 28, 2018
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Nobody ever wants to experience the pain and discomfort of a toothache. But the truth is, toothaches can happen to anyone, and they can come without warning. While the best way to treat a toothache is to see your dentist in Highland Park as quickly as you can, there are… Read More…

Watch Out for These Labor Day Treats
added on: August 31, 2018
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With Labor Day right around the corner, we’re sure our patients and neighbors are gearing up for a celebration. Typical Labor Day picnics usually include tons of delicious foods and snacks ranging from hot dogs and barbeque chicken to dips and salads galore. But some of these yummy treats aren’t… Read More…

Is a Lost Filling a Dental Emergency?
added on: August 21, 2018
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Our dental office in Highland Park understands that losing or breaking a filling can be scary. It may even be a little painful. But many times a lost filling isn’t a dental emergency. However, with that said, it’s still important to treat it appropriately and in a timely manner. We’re… Read More…

Share Your Medical History for The Best Dental Care
added on: July 30, 2018
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Whenever you first visit a healthcare provider, you’re going to have to fill out a health history form. The same is true when you visit your dentist in Highland Park. But why does a dentist need to know so much about your overall health, and why is it so important… Read More…

There’s HOW Much Sugar in That?!
added on: July 18, 2018
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Sugar has been a hot topic in the news lately, and with good reason. On average, Americans are consuming 82 grams of added sugar every day. That much sugar not only puts us at risk for serious diseases such as diabetes, but as our dental office in Highland Park knows,… Read More…

Is Asthma to Blame for Cavities?
added on: May 23, 2018

People with asthma know just how serious and scary of a disease it is. It causes airways to narrow, makes it hard to breathe, and can potentially be life-threatening. There is currently no cure, but there are advanced treatments and medications that can help keep airways open so more air… Read More…

What All Women Need to Know About Dental Health
added on: May 8, 2018

We all know that men and women are built differently, and that affects what health problems each gender is more susceptible to. At our dental office in Highland Park, we also know that even though women are more open to visiting us regularly, they’re actually at more risk for dental… Read More…

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